Connecting to MySQL database via Perl/CGI on Godaddy Linux Hosting
Connecting to MySQL database via Perl/CGI on Godaddy Linux Hosting I have had to face the problem of finding the right syntax to connect to MySQL server on my linux hosting at godaddy. Finally after days of searching, and no help from godaddy support (they suck straws big time!), I was able to finally get my database to connect and proceed further. This is the script: Explaination line-by-line: Line 1: #<some text> ---- > this is a comment, but #!<some path> ----> this is required for your script to work, it tells where the perl files are located. #!/usr/bin/perl is saying that perl files are located in a local folder, which is located at /user/bin/perl Line 2: Apparently with Godaddy, modules only load when you add this additional line ( use cPanelUserConfig; ) Remember, that Perl uses a module called DBI to connect to databases of various types, it is later on described, which type of database it is, but t...